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Acne home treatment

The Mythology of Acne
Acne is one of the most visible skin problems teens and young adults face. It can cause embarrassment, poor self image and even cause depression to deepen in some cases. Adding to that are the common myths about what causes acne.
This skin condition is caused by inflammation and/or infection of skin pores. Dead skin and other substances can block and irritate the pore, making it swell up. That's the red bumps. Pimples or black heads are infections, as you can see by the white that may be in the center. This white bit is actually pus, indicating an infection is present.
When dealing with acne, it's important that you know fact from fiction. Not everything you may have been told about the condition is accurate. Here are a few examples:
1) Acne is contagious. Not true. The theory for this myth is that it might prevent teen sex...you don't want to catch it, right?
2) What you eat causes outbreaks: No, not unless it gets into the pores and blocks them. Fat, sugar and chocolate are not causes of this problem. They can cause other difficulties such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc., but they aren't going to cause an outbreak.
3) Let it run its course: This is not necessary, as you may be able to tell by the large number of products to help reduce the impact it has on your life. In some cases, that's a bad idea. If none of the over the counter products help, talk to your doctor. You may be referred to a dermatologist, who can help you with the problem.
4) Make up causes acne. That is unlikely, especially if you use the right make up. Oil free formulas are better than oil based products. Some of them actually have over the counter topical remedies in them. You may want to ask a professional which products will be best for you.
5) Oily skin causes breakouts: Just as with food, skin oil does not cause a pimple to form. That doesn't mean you can skip washing your face, but excess oil won't be a problem by itself.
6) It's simply poor hygiene: Washing your face more than twice a day could actually cause more problems than it solves. Poor hygiene is not at fault.
7) Toothpaste on a zit will get rid of it overnight: There are those that say it works, but there is no scientific evidence as yet. That may be because no one has studied it. If you're going to try it, don't use a gel, use the old fashioned white paste.
If you have used everything from alternative remedies to strong over the counter preparations, speak to your doctor. Make sure to mention any medical conditions you have, and any supplements or medications you may be using. This will help prevent drug/herb interactions.

If you have used everything from alternative remedies to strong over the counter preparations, speak to your doctor. Make sure to mention any medical conditions you have, and any supplements or medications you may be using. This will help prevent drug/herb interactions.
Common Acne Causes and the SolutionsAn acne outbreak can be quite a nightmare when it is you who are on the receiving end. In the case of a chronic acne problem, frequent breakouts may even lead to low self esteem - one that will have a bad impact your social and professional life. There are many causes of acne, including heredity, hormones, diet and stress. Understanding the many acne causes is important in making sure that you are getting the most effective treatment for the problem.
Acne is actually a form of skin disorder that is caused by the over production of oil by the skin glands. This leads to bacteria clogging up the skin pores and subsequently causes pimples, whiteheads and blackheads, cysts and lesions. Though the causes are many, some of the common ones are, as previously mentioned, heredity, hormonal changes, and stress.
From the common causes above, the only one that can't be altered is the heredity one - since it is already in the genes. As for hormonal changes, women usually take birth control to manage the changes better. For those that are still in their teenage years, following a balanced diet, as part of living a healthy lifestyle, can really help control the breakout of acne or even prevent it from happening. Avoid consuming too much caffeine, soda drinks, canned foods, fatty foods, and pasta. Drinking plenty enough of water daily is imperative. To manage acne breakout arising from stress, make sure you are not too overwhelmed by the problems you face in life. Try to focus on the positive sides of things and do some yoga and exercises to help channel bad thoughts away. To relax after a hard day at work, you can also try lighting up some aromatherapy candles.
In addition to the natural methods above to help you deal with acne problem, you can consider taking medications. Medications that dermatologist would recommend are mostly in oral or topical form, including antibiotics and retinoids. Some cosmetic treatments, such as dermabrasion, laser treatment, and facials will also work wonder in helping you reduce and prevent acne outbreak.
If the above medications and treatments fail to work effectively, Dermatologist will usually prescribe Accutane for the patients as the last resort. Though it has many negative side effects, including life-threatening ones, the medication works flawlessly in clearing acne outbreaks. Consult with your doctor and dermatologist to make sure that you are eligible for this prescription medication.

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